The introduction of five paid sick days and three unpaid sick days in the province of British Columbia began in 2021. To promote wellness in the workplace, employees are both entitled to and are obliged to stay away from others when sick. While these employee sick days are necessary, they are financially costly for businesses and leave companies short handed in this current state of worker shortage.
Cost of providing five days of paid leave
Regardless of whether a person has the beginnings of Covid or a seasonal flu, the initial symptoms are the same – fever, headache, fatigue and sore throat. Considering that each employee is entitled to take five days off when ill, the cost of paying them and getting a substitute employee quickly mounts. The basic wage of $20/hour x 7.5 hours/day x 5 days equals $750.00 minimum. Promoting employee health is more important than ever – both from a cost point of view and for ensuring there are enough people in the workplace to get the job done.
What percentage of people are successfully protected from flu viruses?
According to the Centre for Disease Control, flu vaccines provide around 50% protection Vaccine Effectiveness: How Well Do Flu Vaccines Work? | CDC. 50% protection means significant savings to employers in both money and workplace efficiency.
Promoting employee health with annual flu vaccine clinics in the workplace 2022
Because of the potential for rampant flu infections in the workplace, many employers in the Victoria area made it easy and convenient for their employees to get vaccinated with a flu shot in October/November 2021. Last year, “Immunize Now’s” nurses vaccinated more than 1200 people with the flu vaccine in the workplace. Tetanus/diphtheria vaccines and pneumonia vaccines were also administered as needed. Working from a cost saving perspective for influenza alone, if the rate of flu prevention is 50%, then 50% of 1200 is 600 people. 600 people costing $750 for five days of sick pay equals an overall cost saving of $450,000.00. This simple arithmetic demonstrates the value of hosting a flu clinic with “Immunize Now” every year.
How much does it cost to host a flu vaccine clinic?
Hosting a flu clinic in the workplace costs a mere fraction of how much it costs employers when an employee becomes ill with the flu. Promoting health in the workplace not only provides a good example but also lets employees know they are valued.
“Immunize Now” is currently booking clients for Fall, 2022 flu season. Call now to book your 2022 workplace flu vaccination clinic at 250.884.0122 or